Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wee Heavy

Dry Dock has created some truly outstanding beers, and I have to say that this is another great one. A truly fine Scotch ale. The taste was really smooth, and despite the significant alcohol content, it didn't have that liquory taste some strong beers get. This was perhaps too smooth, since I gave myself a little hangover from drinking it too soon before bed.

Still, highly recommended.

Plaid Bastard

This is my second beer from Grand Lake (the first being Woolly Booger), and overall I'd have to say that their taste in beer just does not mesh with mine. In both cases, I really tasted a yeastiness that I didn't particularly enjoy. In this case, though, the main offender is the peat. That was intentional, but just not my preferred taste: too loamy for me. We shared this bottle around, and really only had one person who liked it, who was also a big fan of Woolly Booger, so it just goes to show there's no accounting for taste.

Red Rocket Ale

This is a really nicely balanced ale, a great combination of rich malt flavor with a really strong hop backing. I don't know what the combination of malts they use, but it's really distinctive, and the moderate alcohol content means I can finish a bomber by myself with just the right buzz.

They distinguish this Scottish ale from Scotch ales because of its lower alcohol content, and on the whole I'd have to say that of the two styles I enjoy Scottish rather than Scotch ales.

Highly recommended!