Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rubaiyat of Beer Pt. 2

See part 1 here

And thus enriched, we recline like kings
At our leisure and ope a bottle that brings
Freedom from memory, fear, hope, and love:
A balm to all life's everpresent stings

That path of dalliance leads to death, you say,
It is why Hendrix and Bonham could not stay.
But what of Russell and Hayes--
What, pray, called these men away?

Whether in Lawrence or Golden,
Whether I am flush or beholden,
Let every glass be full and let us drink,
And laugh--or cry--as in days of olden.

See part 3 here


  1. Dr. C, we need you here to recite this stuff at Q's!

  2. Would if I could. But our approaching bundle of joy means I'm probably not going to make it this summer either.
